OCT 20-23, 2024 ATLANTA
We Appreciate Your Support
NMSDC is the nation's premier forum on minority supplier development. Our Annual Conference & Exchange is the largest national procurement event of its kind and is attended by thousands of key purchasing executives and top minority businesses.
The conference consists of:
- Educational programming in the form of mainstage sessions, impact labs, and power talks.
- The Exchange trade show which features hundreds of exhibitors in all product and service areas.
- Matchmakers, a one-to-one sourcing event where MBEs match with corporate members to discuss open contracting opportunities and capabilities.
- Social events and receptions to include networking receptions, entertainment, and an awards program.
We are very appreciative of your support as our volunteers keep the conference running smoothly.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with GMSDC at volunteer@gmsdc.org, our regional affiliate overseeing the volunteer portal.
Volunteer Locations
Convention Center
Sunday, October 20 - Wednesday, October 23
The volunteer center, conference registration, sessions, matchmaking, and most conference activities will be held in the Convention Center.
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
"History in the Making" Welcome Reception
Sunday, October 20
The Welcome Reception will kick off the conference as our first reception. Volunteers will greet guests, scan badges, and provide attendees with assistance. Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods, providing directional assistance
Ponce City Market
675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
Monday, October 21
This Reception will be the second reception of the conference. Volunteers will greet guests, scan badges, and provide attendees with assistance. Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods, providing directional assistance.
Georgia Aquarium
225 Baker St NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
Awards Ceremony & Farewell Reception
Wednesday, October 23
We will honor the good work of both our national members and minority businesses. Volunteers will greet guests, scan badges, and provide attendees with assistance. Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods, providing directional assistance
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
Conference Hotels
Sunday, October 20 - Wednesday, October 23
Each hotel will need volunteers to assist with smaller meetings, shuttle services, and attendee assistance.
Various Hotels
Please see our Hotels page for locations.
If you decide to take a taxi, Uber, or Lyft, you will not be reimbursed by NMSDC.
For volunteers who elect to drive to their assignment venue, self-paid parking is available at the convention center and surrounding area for volunteers during their designated shift(s).
Please see Parking 101 for pro tips for securing your spot on the convention center campus.
What to Wear
Volunteers will receive a shirt at check-in to wear during their shift(s). A few suggestions:
- Wear comfortable, close-toed shoes.
- Wear black pants or slacks. (no jeans, leggings or jeggings)
- In order to properly thank our sponsors, we ask that volunteers refrain from wearing any clothing that covers our sponsor logos on the t-shirt.
- Volunteers registered for the Wednesday night awards ceremony should wear formal attire (e.g. solid black dress slacks or skirt and white dress shirt or blouse).
Unless otherwise noted, volunteers will check in at the Volunteer Center at the Georgia World Congress Center (Room TBD).
Nearly 200 volunteers are involved in the Conference production. There will inevitably be some mix-ups and unavoidable delays. Plan to arrive 15 - 30 minutes before your scheduled shift. This will allow enough time for parking, volunteer check-in, and to change into your volunteer t-shirt.
Please bring only necessary items with you (no valuables). NMSDC is not responsible for items left at the Volunteer Center. Please note that security procedures may require a search of parcels/bags you choose to leave in the Volunteer Center.
Please remember to be flexible!
Volunteer Responsibilities
Office Support
- Volunteers with good people and reception skills are needed.
- Answer telephones, type, run errands, and make copies.
- Assist with IT issues and registration software.
- Assist with building requests and deliveries.
- Check-in speakers and assist with the daily management of the office.
- Scan tickets and assist with seating.
- Direct conferees to seats in the front of the room, and ensure that all entering have the appropriate conference badges.
- Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods and providing directional assistance.
Transportation Information & Support
- Greet guests and provide general information.
- Remind them to bring their registration badges before boarding buses to the NMSDC receptions.
Photo Catalog Assistant
- Catalog names of speakers, business owners, corporate members, and other individuals of which the Photographer
has taken pictures.
Reception Support
- Greet guests and provide general information.
- Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods providing directional assistance.
IT/Help Desk Support
- Assist with IT issues and registration software. Must be able to lift and/or carry 50 lbs.
Exhibit Hall Assistant
- Assist in managing exhibitors, vendors, and the loading dock.
- MBEs are prohibited from volunteering for this shift.
Resource Center
- These volunteers will be responsible for providing general conference information, answering attendees’ questions, and “troubleshooting” in the registration area (if necessary).
- The space will also serve as the Lost and Found for all attendees.
- Information about NMSDC will be freely distributed.
Floor Monitor
- Volunteers will be required to interact with attendees and possibly assist with registration questions.
- Volunteers should be comfortable with speaking, standing, and walking for long periods providing directional assistance.
General Conference Support
- Volunteers should be comfortable lifting 50 pounds.
- Assist conference planning teams setup and breakdown activations and experiences.
Volunteer Shifts
Volunteer shifts will be close to 4-5 hours each, and volunteers can sign up for multiple shifts:
- Sunday, October 20, 2024
- 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
- 1:00 pm - 6:30 pm
- 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
- Monday, October 21, 2024
- 6:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
- 2:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
- 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, October 22, 2024
- 6:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
- 2:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 23, 2024
- 6:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
- 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- 4:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
- 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
If for any reason you have to cancel your shift at the last minute please email volunteer@gmsdc.org.
Service Standards
Everyone appreciates good customer service. As a volunteer, we ask that you do your best to:
- Treat the attendees and sponsors as special guests at our event.
- Upon arrival at the venue(s) please note the locations of the restrooms and emergency exits.
- Preserve the safety of our guests and volunteer corps.
- Accomplish tasks efficiently.
- Remember you are a representative of the event. Everything you do makes a lasting impression
- And, HAVE FUN!!!
Conference App
The 2024 NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange App will be the best tool for all of our volunteer positions, to check for changes to the conference schedule, access the Georgia World Congress Center maps, and obtain information on sessions and speakers.
This app will go live the week of October 14th. Download it for free on your iPhone or Android!
We will be sending an email with details when it goes live.
NMSDC requests that all volunteers adhere to the following guidelines:
- Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age or older.
- Volunteers supporting the receptions and awards ceremony must be 21 or older.
- Please do not ask for free beverages or food from concession booths. There is complimentary water and snacks available at the Volunteer Center. Water coolers are also located throughout the Convention Center.
- Volunteers working 4 hours and/or multiple shifts within a day will be provided a meal and/or meal vouchers.
- Cooperate fully with other volunteers, committee chairpersons, board members, and staff.
- Direct any media questions to the NMSDC MarCom Office (office locations will be provided). Please do not make any statements to the media that may be interpreted as coming\ from an “NMSDC Spokesperson.”
- Attend an onsite general volunteer training program, hosted on Friday with the help of GMSDC.
Code of Conduct
NMSDC has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind. At NMSDC, we are committed to providing a
welcoming and safe environment for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, age,
race, or religion.
NMSDC is committed to providing an open-minded and safe environment, in which all guests can enjoy an event in an atmosphere of fun, respect, and tolerance, without enabling destructive behaviors and attitudes.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, staff members or security may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning of the offender or expulsion from the event.
Every participant, including speakers, volunteers, staff, sponsors and Conference attendees, are entitled to be free from discrimination and harassment at the conference, on the basis of age, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, marital status, criminal record, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, language, class or political belief.
We take all feedback seriously. If you have been intimidated, harassed, or made to feel uncomfortable at our event, please inform event staff and/or security immediately. You may also contact us at volunteer@nmsdc.org, or in person at the Volunteer Center for assistance.
In Case of Emergency
If you are in a position to respond to an accident:
- Report unsafe conditions, situations or guests to a Shift Supervisor or NMSDC staff member.
- Please remain at the scene until the Atlanta Police Department has completed a formal accident report.
If you see a suspicious package or unusual item of any kind:
- Immediately inform the nearest police officer with a clear description of what the item looks like and where it is located.
- Do NOT use a two-way radio.
- Refer to the item as a “suspicious package,” never refer to an item or package as a bomb.
In case of possible serious injury or illness:
- Call 911.
- Do NOT attempt to move anyone who may be injured. Stay with the individual until help has arrived.
If a crowd has gathered around an accident or injury scene: Please cooperate with police and other volunteers to provide the victim adequate space.
For minor injuries: Please go to the First Aid office located near the Exhibit Hall
Lost and found items should be taken to the Volunteer Center.
We're Here to Help!
Onsite volunteer coordinators will be available to answer questions. If you have a question before Friday, October 18th, please email volunteer@gmsdc.org.