Program Agenda
OCT 22-25, 2023 BALTIMORE
Below is the agenda at a glance. As we confirm the timing, sessions, and speakers, we will update this page with more information.
Last Updated: October 22, 2023
Quick Links: Conference Mobile App | Shuttle Schedule | Agenda at a Glance PDF | Wellness and Safety Protocols
Continuing Education Hours (CEHs): This event is eligible for 20 CEHs for the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). Please retain a receipt of your registration to prove attendance and earn the CEHs.
- SATURDAY (10/21)
- SUNDAY (10/22)
- MONDAY (10/23)
- TUESDAY (10/24)
- WEDNESDAY (10/25)
- THURSDAY (10/26)
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Charles Street Lobby and Pratt Street Lobby East & WestBaltimore Convention Center Registration Center
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom - Second FloorHilton Registration Center
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
BWI - C Lower Level / Door 9 /Baggage Claim 9BWI Registration Center
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Pratt Street Lobby East & WestConnect Lounge
Schedule time with other attendees to connect and meet up at the Connect Lounge.
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Third Floor Cafe
Community Service
Paul’s Place is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization improving the quality of life in Southwest Baltimore. Paul’s Place has been a steadfast source of support for residents of the Southwest Baltimore communities for over 40 years – starting as a two-day-a-week soup kitchen and becoming a one-stop destination with a wide array of resources for hundreds of individuals every day. Paul’s Place now offers more than 20 programs to help guests along a path to stability. Paul’s Place provides programs, services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering hope, personal dignity, and growth.
Participate by purchasing something from one of their three Amazon wish lists:
You can also bring the following suggested items to the conference to make an in-person donation: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tissues, lotion, and/or deodorant.
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339-341
Zen Room
Relax | Recharge | Regroup
12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332
Sponsor Lounge
Sponsors Only
8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 1Global Link Advisory Council (formerly Global Committee) Meeting
By Invitation Only9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 10NMSDC Kellogg AMEP Alumni Educational and Networking Session
Educational and networking session designed for Kellogg AMEP alumni but open to all. No fee to attend but registration is required.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Charles Street Lobby and Pratt Street Lobby East & WestBaltimore Convention Center Registration Center
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
BWI - C Lower Level / Door 9 /Baggage Claim 9BWI Registration Center
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332Sponsor Lounge
Sponsors Only
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Pratt Street Lobby East & WestConnect Lounge
Schedule time with other attendees to connect and meet up at the Connect Lounge.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Third Floor CafeCommunity Service
Paul’s Place is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization improving the quality of life in Southwest Baltimore. Paul’s Place has been a steadfast source of support for residents of the Southwest Baltimore communities for over 40 years – starting as a two-day-a-week soup kitchen and becoming a one-stop destination with a wide array of resources for hundreds of individuals every day. Paul’s Place now offers more than 20 programs to help guests along a path to stability. Paul’s Place provides programs, services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering hope, personal dignity, and growth.
Participate by purchasing something from one of their three Amazon wish lists:
You can also bring the following suggested items to the conference to make an in-person donation: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tissues, lotion, and/or deodorant.
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339-341Zen Room
Relax | Recharge | Regroup
9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom - Second FloorHilton Registration Center
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 2DICCI: India Partner Meeting
By Invitation Only
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Automotive Industry Group Membership Meeting
By Invitation Only
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Hilton - DouglassHospitality Industry Group: Supplier Diversity Institute
A half-day training held by the Supplier Diversity Training Institute world-renowned leaders Dr. Fred McKinney and Kathey Porter, MBA, MSE, CPSDC.
Invite Only
12:00-4:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 4Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Group: The Working Group Membership Meeting
By Invitation Only12:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 3NMSDC Utility Industry Group Annual In-Person Planning Meeting
By Invitation Only
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 1-2Financial Services Roundtable for Supplier Diversity General Body Meeting
By Invitation Only1:00-3:00 p.m.
Hilton - Tubman A-BARTIG Team Member Meeting
By Invitation Only1:00-4:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 5-8Opportunity Accelerator 2023: Igniting Growth
Each year, prior to the official opening of the NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange, the National MBE Input Committee presents the Opportunity Accelerator, a special event created by MBEs for MBEs. The event is FREE and open to all minority businesses, NMSDC corporate members, and regional affiliate council staff but registration is required.Welcome
Carlton L. Oneal, National MBE Input Committee chair and president, LightSpeedEdu
Ying McGuire, CEO and president, National Minority Supplier Development Council
Growth Mindset: Igniting Leadership in the Midst of Change
The pursuit of growth in the midst of unprecedented change is an act of resilience and commitment. A decision to move. To shift. To let go of the comfort and safety of where you are in order to embrace the unknown. We’ll explore the critical role that leadership plays in igniting the change that’s essential to activating a growth mindset, one that lives not only in the organization but also in its people and the possibilities they are capable of co-creating together. Our goal is to have you leave this session with a new awareness and sense of purpose as you head into the rest of the NMSDC conference.
John Henderson, founder, The Pivot Mind, chairman and CEO, AEL Holdings, executive vice president, Walker Supply Chain Management
Growth Strategies: Creating a Sustainable Enterprise
To continue to develop and grow, each certified minority business needs a growth strategy to seize opportunities and overcome barriers in the market. A well-defined strategy enables you to leverage your unique talents and diverse offerings to attract employees, customers, partners, and investors as you contribute to the overall economic empowerment of your community. In this session, you will hear from peers who will share their growth strategy stories, the choices they made, and what they learned along the way. You’ll also hear from experts who will share new perspectives on how to resource and fuel your growth. It’s very likely you will walk away with at least one pearl of wisdom that can change your growth trajectory.
Carlton L. Oneal, National MBE Input Committee chair and president, LightSpeedEdu
Nasra Abdi, CEO, ACI Solutions
Sahra Halpern, president and CEO, Business Consortium Fund
Leon Richardson, president and CEO, The Chemico Group, LLC
Larry Stubblefield, deputy associate administration, U.S. Small Business Administration
Growth Opportunities: HotOpps
At this highly popular session, you’ll experience 50 full minutes of rapid-fire opportunities from 7-9 buying organizations that are looking for MBEs now, including Volvo Group, CDW, CVS Health, International Paper, The Construction Industry Advisory Group, The Weitz Company, and the Panther Group. The goal is simple … and critically important: To activate the power and the value of the NMSDC Network and to have everyone leave the event energized, excited, and ready to grow.
Ashley Campbell, responsible purchasing and supplier diversity manager, Volvo Group
Sean Cogdell, CEO, The Panther Group
Marianne De Aguiar, head of ESG procurement, International Paper
Hebrew Dixon, director of supplier diversity, ARCO Design/Build Companies, Construction Industry Advisory Group
Shekinah Fountain, senior diversity, equity, and inclusion associate, The Weitz Company
Kris Oswold, hybrid certification implementation, NMSDC
Maria Prince, global procurement ESG leader, DuPont
Germaine Reece, business diversity market leader – central, CDW
Nicole Van Valen, procurement supplier diversity senior management, CVS Health
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 10Retail Industry Group Members Meeting
By Invitation Only2:00-4:00 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 11Advertising, Entertainment, Media and Sports Industry Group Meeting
By Invitation Only3:00-5:30 p.m.
Hilton - Key Ballroom 9Healthcare Industry Group Member Meeting
By Invitation Only3:00-6:00 p.m.
Hilton - PickersgillConstruction Industry Group Board Meeting and Reception
By Invitation Only4:30-5:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346EYE Program: Kick-off Session
For EYE Participants Only.
Sponsors are welcome to observe and meet the participants.
LaSonya Berry, CEO, SPHR, McPherson, Berry & Associates, Inc.
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Power Plant Live!International Reception
By invitation only to recognize our international partners and make connections with the C-suite Advisory Committee, Steering Committee, and Sponsors.6:00-7:00 p.m.
Hilton - ArmisteadReal Estate Industry Group Meeting
By Invitation Only7:00-10:00 p.m.
Power Plant Live!The B'more Connect Welcome Reception
6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332Sponsor Lounge
Sponsors Only6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Pratt Street Lobby East & WestConnect Lounge
Schedule time with other attendees to connect and meet up at the Connect Lounge.6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Third Floor CafeCommunity Service
Paul’s Place is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization improving the quality of life in Southwest Baltimore. Paul’s Place has been a steadfast source of support for residents of the Southwest Baltimore communities for over 40 years – starting as a two-day-a-week soup kitchen and becoming a one-stop destination with a wide array of resources for hundreds of individuals every day. Paul’s Place now offers more than 20 programs to help guests along a path to stability. Paul’s Place provides programs, services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering hope, personal dignity, and growth.
Participate by purchasing something from one of their three Amazon wish lists:
You can also bring the following suggested items to the conference to make an in-person donation: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tissues, lotion, and/or deodorant.
6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339-341Zen Room
Relax | Recharge | Regroup
6:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Charles Street Lobby and Pratt Street Lobby East & WestBaltimore Convention Center Registration Center
7:15 - 8:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall CNetworking Breakfast
8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Welcome Keynote
Donald R. Cravins, Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, MBDA
Ying McGuire, CEO and president, National Minority Supplier Development Council
View From the Top: Insights from CEOs
Some of today’s top CEOs generously share their vision regarding pivotal insights, emerging trends, and untapped prospects within their respective industries. This deep dive into what the future holds for the MBE community provides unique perspectives that are typically reserved for the boardroom. In this enlightening session, you will glean knowledge on how to propel your business toward unprecedented growth and new heights.
Introductions By:
Ann Ramakumaran, CEO, Ampcus
Eamon Javers, senior Washington correspondent, CNBC
Rosie Allen-Herring, president and CEO, United Way of the National Capital Area
Calvin Butler, president and chief executive officer, Exelon
Joseph Dominguez, president and CEO, Constellation Energy
Brian Pieninck, president and CEO, CareFirst Bluecross Blueshield
Fostering Prosperity Fireside Chat
Join us for a captivating discussion where economic insights and investment innovation take center stage. Hear from the chief U.S. white house economist and minority-owned private equity investors, as they explore strategies for government, corporations, and capital to propel minority-owned businesses to forge a path toward shared success and sustainable growth.
Eamon Javers, senior Washington correspondent, CNBC
Dr. Heather Boushey, chief economist for the Invest in America Cabinet at the White House, White House
Soo Kim, managing partner and founder, Standard General
Sandra M. Moore, managing director and chief impact officer, Advantage Capital
10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention CenterImpact Labs
1+1 = 3: How MBE Private Equity Funds Invest in MBEs
This session will discuss how minority business enterprise (MBE) private equity funds invest in MBEs using a real-life, practical partnership example. Arkview Capital - a leading MBE private equity firm - has invested in a variety of leading MBEs (Metasys Technologies, ICON Parking, Genesis Bank amongst them). ICON is the largest minority-owned parking operator and mobility services provider in New York; Geneses is one of the largest minority depository institutions in the United States; Metasys Technologies is a leading minority workforce management and procurement solutions firm.
All of these companies have benefited from Arkview's strategic relationship with them - increased access to capital has expanded both organic and importantly inorganic opportunities. Further, additional capital, support, and connectivity have enabled them to "dream big and think big" and make a big impact on supplier diversity contributing and marching towards NMSDC's goal of $1 trillion in corporate diverse spend.
Vijay Mehta, co-founder, Arkview Capital
Romeen Sheth, co-CEO, Metasys Technologies
John Smith, chairman and CEO, ICON Parking
Joset Wright, founder and president, Waypoint Strategies
The Assault on Affirmative Action: How Supplier Diversity Can Survive
June 30, 2023, will always be remembered as a pivotal time for affirmative action in this country. As anticipated, the decision by the Supreme Court to prohibit the consideration of race in college admissions is having a tsunami effect against the inclusion of minorities in business. Across the country, we see evidence regarding the systematic attack on programs created to support the inclusion of minorities. From what we are witnessing in real-time, these hardcore legal actions are anticipated to be an ongoing assault.
Hear from a panel of experts regarding current legal challenges and understand the underpinnings of what is happening, such as the funding of the lawsuits and what is being done to dismantle affirmative action. What public policy, litigation strategies, and legislation can be developed and implemented? What strategies and tactics can private corporations use to mitigate legal risks while remaining true to their supplier diversity policy objectives and procurement practices?
Sharon Pinder, president/CEO, Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council
Franklin Lee, partner, Tydings & Rosenberg LLP
Nigel Stephens, principal, Phoenix Strategies, Inc.
Diane Sumpter, president/CEO, DESA, Inc.
Sarah Von Der Lippe, pro bono chief legal counsel, MBELDEF
Federal Agency Equity Action Plans to Advance Equity in Federal Contracting Opportunities for MBEs
On his first day in office, President Biden signed Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. That historic executive order directed the whole of the federal government to advance an ambitious equity and racial justice agenda. Today, more than 90 federal agencies, including all cabinet-level agencies, have the first-ever Equity Action Plans that lay out more than 300 concrete strategies and commitments to address the systemic barriers in our nation's policies and programs that hold too many underserved communities back from prosperity, dignity, and equality. Advancing equity is not a one-year project. It is a generational commitment. These plans are an important step forward, reflecting the Biden-Harris Administration's work to make the promise of America real for every American.
Darlene Bullock, director, office of small and disadvantaged business utilization, Defense Homeland Security
Shannon Jackson, director, the office of small & disandvantaged business utilization, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Tommy Marks, vice president and chief operating officer, Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council
Ron Pierce, director, office of small and disadvantaged business utilization, U.S. Department of Energy
The Green Sustainability Supply Chain and Closing the Gap with MBEs
The new green economy and how minority business enterprises (MBEs) need to re-align their strategy for large corporate supply chains. As the $10 trillion green economy begins to accelerate due to the massive amount of federal seed money being injected into the renewable energy sector through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act, corporations will need a deep bench of suppliers to fulfill the demand of the U.S. Government strategy to transition to a renewable energy-based economy. Come listen to a distinguished panel of corporate ESG leaders and MBE suppliers on how they are re-tooling their business strategies to increase the supply chains and workforce to meet this demand.
Susan Jin Davis, social impact officer, Al Roker Entertainment
Keith Moore, operator, MBDA Federal Procurement Center
Elliot Park, CEO, Shine Electronics
Marshall Pierite, chairman & CEO, Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
Accessing Economic Empowerment Through Insurance
The session will illuminate the role of insurance as a vehicle to transform communities and create generational wealth including business capital. Historically, there have been several black-owned insurance companies that helped achieve this mission. Today there is only one, which is our company. 50% of the U.S. adult population has life insurance, the other 50% does not or is grossly underinsured. By focusing on onboarding this neglected demographic, the transfer and creation of wealth through life insurance can be a catalyst for reimagining blighted communities and bolstering economic empowerment.
Mary Grate-Pyos, certified family business specialist, MassMutual - First Financial Group
Bryan Simms, CEO, Mammoth Life & Reinsurance Company LLC
ESG & Responsible Business Practices: Recognizing The Importance of Regulatory Requirements
This session will provide insight into existing and pending regulatory requirements relative to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concerns, with a focus on the importance of human rights and regulatory requirements regarding modern slavery, the prevention of modern slavery, and supply chain implications. This will include a review and focus on codes of conduct, general requirements for suppliers, understanding expectations, and adherence to requirements for suppliers. The intent is for corporate members and minority business enterprises (MBEs) to be prepared and understand the defining metrics that matter.
Rohit Bardaiyar, executive vice president - strategic accounts, VDart
Jen Curley, senior director, procurement supplier sustainability, Johnson & Johnson
I. Javette Hines, director, global head of supply chain development, inclusion, and sustainability, Citi
Reignited NMSDC Global Program: Expand Your Business to the Global Marketplace
Established in 2001, the Global Link initiative played a critical role in the creation of partner organizations in Australia, Canada, China, South Africa and the United Kingdom. In 2023, we reignited and expanded the program and established partnerships with India, Brazil, and Chile. We also built a strategic partnership with the federal government agency – the International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce. With the help of the inaugural NMSDC Global Ambassadors, we were able to resume our tradition and took the International Delegations to India for B20/G20 as well as the Netherlands for the first EU Supplier Diversity Conference. Meet our Global Partners, Global Link Advisory Council members, and inaugural Global Ambassadors, and learn how the reignited NMSDC global program can help your companies gain access and expand to the global marketplace.
Fang Fang, consultant, Global Link Program director, National Minority Supplier Development Council
Anju Abel, CEO, LanceSoft, Inc.
Kristine Mangan, vice president, procurement citizenship, Johnson & Johnson
Dr. Milind Kamble, founder and chairman, Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry(DICCI)
Rae Ni, CEO, Minority Supplier Development in China (MSD China)
Kate Russell, CEO, Supply Nation (Australia)
Painting with Pixels: How Visual Storytelling Ignites Business Growth
Painting with Pixels: How Visual Storytelling Ignites Business Growth is a session designed to equip minority business enterprises (MBEs) with the knowledge and skills to leverage the transformative power of digital marketing and visual content. This session will delve into the potential of digital marketing to reach diverse audiences, fill the sales funnel, and drive growth for MBEs.
Allante Taylor, CEO/founder, A Taylor Media
Building Bridges - Making Meaningful Connections
Diversity is the foundation of which this industry and country are built upon. As our communities are diverse, so should our suppliers be. Successful supplier diversity programs need to extend beyond dollars and focus on opportunities with intrinsic value that provide a lasting impact.
Through outreach, coaching, technical assistance, and more we have found that building bridges have had the most meaningful impact. Our methods have produced significant results in contract awards with an increase of 6,000% from 2019 to 2022, and a significant increase in the number of suppliers that are submitting bids/proposals and who are getting contracts on their own accord. Equity means more than contracts, it means equal access to resources, which is an opportunity for businesses to grow, thrive, and succeed. We believe that by sharing this information during this session we can help others succeed in their quest to be more inclusive.
John Edmonson, senior director of procurement and stores, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority
Tara Walker, vendor diversity and inclusion manager, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority
Podcasting as a Catalyst for Strategic Alliances and DEI Initiatives
In this stimulating talk, we delve into the powerful role of podcasting in cultivating strategic alliances and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives among minority business enterprises (MBEs). We examine how podcasting, an innovative medium, promotes relationships within the MBE community and between MBEs and corporations. Through ABF Creative's success stories, we demonstrate how podcasting has facilitated collaborations resulting in meaningful alliances and partnerships. Further, we explore how podcasting can bolster DEI initiatives by amplifying diverse voices and perspectives. Attendees will gain insights into leveraging podcasting to strengthen their strategic alliances, foster sustainable relationships, and contribute to a more inclusive business landscape.
Anthony Fraiser, CEO, ABF Creative
Building Enterprise Capability Through Partnership
Corporations desire and require minority business enterprise (MBE) partners that can deliver with scale. Most MBEs are small businesses. The contradiction is real but requires ingenuity and creativity to bridge the gap. This session will engage both MBEs and corporations who have embraced partnership as a means to build the enterprise capacity needed to serve the largest businesses in the world. And to do it in a "real" manner...no pass-throughs! From concept to contract, we will provide real examples of how partnerships were created, work was allocated, and sales pursuits were coordinated.
Jason Booth, president, Windward Engineers & Consultants, LLC
Rona Fourte, vice president, global supplier diversity, CBRE
Ozzie Nelson, chairman and CEO, Nelson Worldwide
Becky Wacker, director of energy service sales, Trane Technologies
The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI): What Is It and How Will It Provide Capital for Minority Business Enterprises?
The State Small Business Credit Initiative is a nearly $10 billion program designed to drive new lending and investment capital to small business owners and entrepreneurs in towns across America. This session will discuss how states are getting funding through this program and how minority and other underserved entrepreneurs can access it to grow and scale their businesses.
Jake Day, secretary, Maryland Secretary of Housing and Community Development
Uma Hiremagalur, deputy program director, Capital Readiness Program, Minority Business Development Agency
Jeffrey Stout, director, Office of Federal Program Finance, U.S. Department of Treasury
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention CenterImpact Labs
Charting a Sustainable Path to Community Empowerment and Wealth Creation
U.S. public and private-sector pension funds control roughly $20 trillion of assets. These pension funds often serve as limited partners for most investment vehicles (e.g., venture capital funds, private equity funds). However, according to a 2021 report by the Knight Foundation, only 0.7% of this institutional capital is allocated to minority-owned fund managers despite Black workers comprising roughly 12% of overall U.S. employment. This inequality significantly increases the risk that emerging minority businesses are bypassed because they aren't a part of the social and professional networking circles of most fund managers. Or worse, these fund managers are ill-equipped to evaluate the talent, experience, and long-term growth potential of minority businesses and the markets in which they operate.
During this session, we will critically examine the factors at play when discussing how the lack of alignment and diverse representation among capital networks and institutions combines with wealth inequality to impact minority communities' ability to build sustainable minority-owned businesses with the potential to meaningfully reinvest in our communities.
Reuben Bell, president, QPSI
Angel Cornelius, founder and CEO, Maison 276
Keith Cornelius Jr., president, Maison 276
Tabitha Strobel, engagement manager, Mckinsey & Company
Champions for Change: Disrupting Systems, Closing Gaps
Join us for an enlightening conversation on the power of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in closing the equity gap and empowering Black founders and entrepreneurs. In this engaging discussion, Kathryn Ross, global lead for Accenture Black Founders Development Program, will highlight the crucial role of research insights in understanding and addressing the challenges faced by Black founders and entrepreneurs. Elise Smith, founder of Praxis Labs, will share her innovative solutions and tools that cultivate inclusive cultures, address biases, and promote equitable practices within organizations. Dr. Tchicaya Robertson, an accomplished researcher and founder of The Research Institute for the Black Experience (TRIBE), will shed light on Black founders' venture capital gap and funding journey, offering strategies to bridge this gap and foster economic empowerment.
Together, they will delve into the intersection of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, showcasing how their knowledge and expertise work to eliminate disparities and create a level playing field. By leveraging insights, fostering inclusive cultures, and empowering underrepresented founders, these women lead the charge to close the equity gap and drive positive change within corporations and the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Tchicaya Robertson, Ph.D., executive director, Tribe Insights, Inc.
Kathryn Ross, global lead, black founders development program, and technology innovation market engagement, Accenture
Dominique Rougeau, president and creative director, Lartique Creative
Elise Smith, co-founder and CEO, Praxis Labs
Keys for MWBEs to Scale and Win in the Marketplace
The last few years have created tailwinds for minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs), as Fortune 500 companies have committed more than $50 billion to partner with these organizations over the next decade. This demand has created ample whitespace for MWBEs to scale up and grow, especially within high-growth sectors of the economy where MWBEs are underrepresented. This roundtable will bring together MWBEs to discuss McKinsey's latest insights on what it takes for MWBEs to win in the marketplace and scale up to accelerate new opportunities for growth.
Ken Yearwood, partner, McKinsey & Company
The Transformative Impact of Supporting Black-Owned Businesses through a Business Diversity Ecosystem
This session will help attendees:
- Understand the concept of a business diversity ecosystem and its role in supporting black-owned businesses.
Recognize the transformative impact of supporting black-owned businesses on economic growth and closing the equity gap. - Explore successful examples of how business diversity initiatives have positively affected black-owned businesses.
- Identify the unique contributions and potential of black-owned businesses in reshaping industries and communities.
- Gain insights into strategies and best practices for establishing and nurturing partnerships with black-owned businesses.
- Understand the importance of mentorship, capacity-building initiatives, and collaborative networks in supporting black-owned businesses.
- Learn about the role of corporate and government entities in building and sustaining a thriving business diversity ecosystem.
- Inspire and empower them to take action in actively supporting black-owned businesses as a means to drive positive social change and foster economic empowerment.
Kera Bussey, supplier diversity leader, Baxter
Randy Brown, fellow, CEO Action for Racial Equity
Tricia Parolo, fellow, CEO Action for Racial Equity
Aaron Reyes, fellow, CEO Action for Racial Equity
Chris Stanley, fellow, CEO Action for Racial Equity
Working Together: Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures for Minority-Owned Businesses
In our ever-changing world the situation has produced what might be called "the Grand Paradox of Management," for to be a manager in the modern world is to take responsibility for controlling what is less and less controllable. As the world becomes less stable and predictable, the paradox intensifies. Strategically, it is resolved by declaring that today's business owners must be leaders. The precedence of leadership over management has never been more important than it is today. One can't simply "manage an existing system", for the unstable environment continually threatens to render any given structure and set of policies out of sync with its demands and opportunities. Under these conditions, a leadership model is far more appropriate than a managerial model. The leader constantly invents strategies that are intended to improve the system's adaptation to its present and future environment. This process of leading an organization in an unfolding adaptation is the real meaning of "keeping your options open." Leaders and managers feel the riskiness of the whitewater world. The need is to go forward with a heightened awareness of what the risks are and what it is necessary to have faith in. The need to be an effective member of the leadership team is a characteristic of the new management job. "What should the top team be talking about?." While we talk about teamwork constantly in management, and while there is lots of information on how to create an effective team, it remains a very fragile idea. The emphasis on results, more leadership, risk-taking, and more teamwork-- involved the modern business owner intensely with other people in the organization. "The number one strategic issue facing businesses today and over the next five or ten years is the people factor." Leaders must master people management in order to survive.
Robert Wallace, founder, Bithgroup
Supplier Diversity in an AI World
Both supplier diversity and AI, coupled with human oversight and control, will accelerate generational wealth creation.
Supplier diversity continues to be minimized through organizational cutbacks as a wrongly viewed cost center. When enhanced by AI, however, supplier diversity or enhanced supplier diversity will effectively improve the opportunity for MBEs to participate in contracting, create efficiencies, be acknowledged as a profit center contributor, and become a wealth creation generator.
Meaningful benefits emerge by leveraging enhanced supplier diversity, however, it is critical to understand that biases may creep into the algorithms through its learning nodes (machine learning, natural language processing, etc.). As such, human oversight and control are not only required but mandated. This session is aimed at helping supplier diversity leaders understand and manage the intersection between supplier diversity and AI as the nexus of generational wealth creation.
Jamila Gordon, CEO & founder, Lumachain, LLC.
Fernando Hernandez, global leader, supplier diversity, Coca Cola
Deepak Purohit, vice president, solutions and service transformation, Zones, LLC
Danyelle Solomon, director, U.S. AI public policy and racial equity champion, Microsoft
Closing the Gap Through Technology - How Artificial Intelligence and other Technologies have Revolutionized Industries
In this session, we will explore how technology integration enables minority-owned businesses to bridge equity and knowledge gaps, enhancing their competitiveness in today's evolving market. As artificial intelligence (AI), sensors, autonomous vehicles, clean tech, and other advanced technologies reshape industries, minority business enterprises (MBEs) must adapt and embrace these innovations. We will delve into challenges faced by minority-owned businesses in the manufacturing, construction, and transportation industries, showcasing how AI and other technologies can address these issues.
Donna Ennis, director, community engagement and program development, Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute/Georgia MBDA Business Center
Sankar (Sean) Madhavaraman, project manager, industry 4.0, strategy and leadership development, GaMEP
Align Your Value Proposition to Offer Transformational Solutions
In today's volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and sometimes ambiguous marketplace, it is critical that leaders can easily align their value proposition to potential and current customers to offer transformational solutions. Companies must become adept at understanding the value relationship. It is the connection between the products and services you offer and your company's bottom line. Your understanding of the value relationship can often be a direct predictor of your success. This highly interactive session invites attendees to commit to recognizing the importance of the value relationship so you can positively respond to marketplace dynamics, align your value proposition, and deliver transformational solutions. Attendees will leave this session with a draft of your value proposition as well as a relationship map to help you "test" it in the marketplace to receive feedback and advocacy.
Aaliyah Haqq, chief operating officer, Academy for Advancing Excellence
Federal Export Assistance Resources, Export Grants & Best Practices for Targeting International Markets and Buyers
The pandemic disrupted much of business operations and plans throughout the world. Many firms have had to revise their sales strategies and rethink their business opportunities. Despite the challenges and drastic changes, export opportunities do abound and, in fact, in some markets and for specific goods/services, they have expanded to a larger diverse group of American companies. This panel will review how to find those opportunities and the federal resources available to help navigate and expand to international markets.
Aisha Booker, deputy national director, U.S. field, International Trade Administration LaTaunya Darden, manager, minority and women owned business, Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
Bill Houck, office of international trade, Small Business Administration
Michael Jackson, senior international trade specialist, International Trade Administration
Carmela Mammas, director, U.S. commercial service, New York U.S. Export Assistance Center, International Trade Administration
Kwabena Osei-Sarpong, founder and CEO, RIFE International
Advancing Employee Ownership Through Cross-Sector Collaboration
Employee ownership is a growing trend that has the potential to advance the dignity and wealth of millions of workers and their communities. As baby boomer businesses retire, 3 million job-creating businesses will be sold or closed over the next decade. This creates a unique opportunity to transition those businesses into being employee-owned. Our goal for this session is to inspire leaders across the investment, healthcare, and corporate ecosystem to see their role as shared stewards of an alternative future where employee ownership is the norm.
Hilary Abell, co-founder, Project Equity
Laura Flamm, senior program manager of community health, Kaiser Permanente
Ernie Flores, supplier diversity and inclusion manager, Kaiser Permanente
Succession Planning - Bringing Your Business to the Next Level
Succession planning isn’t just for business owners who are close to retirement. Whether retirement is 30 years away, just over the horizon, or you haven’t thought about it at all, a succession plan is vital to ensuring the continued success of your business. Learn the important steps for building a succession plan and take your business to the next level with a strong future.
Deshonda Charles-Smith, CEO, D. Charles & Associates
Ricky Cortez, CEO, MCA Communications
Danielle Davis, vice president, southwest head of diverse businesses, JPMorgan Chase
Kimberly Evans, vice president, west division lead, commercial banking, JPMorgan Chase
Brandi Harleaux, CEO, South Post Oak Recycling Center
Small Business Growth through Capital, Contracts, and Counseling
In this session, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will share updates with those seeking to learn more about federal contracting and certified programs, exploring opportunities while paving the way for small firms seeking to grow their businesses in the realm of government contracts. They will delve into the intricacies and requirements of certifying with programs designed to inspire, level the playing field, and give a chance to those whose dream is to have the federal government as their client.
Additionally, the SBA will share its expertise on capital including SBA lending programs, recent changes to those programs aimed at addressing capital access gaps, and SBA resources that businesses can use to prepare to access capital. They will also detail how businesses can prepare to access funding by utilizing the SBA Resource Partner network, which includes Small Business Development Centers, SCORE, Women’s Business Centers, and Veteran Business Outreach Centers. Participants will learn how the SBA lending programs are a key resource for business growth and how the SBA provides essential support to small businesses.
Ted James, regional administrator-region VI, U.S. Small Business Administration
Alisa Sheard, deputy director, government contracting, WOSB federal contracting director, U.S. Small Business Administration
Larry Stubblefield, acting associate administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346EYE Program: Building Excellence with EOS: Goal Setting, Accountability, and Process
For EYE Participants Only.
Sponsors are welcome to observe and meet the participants.
Lenora Mills, COO, IMBDC
12:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall CNetworking Lunch
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Welcome Remarks
Introductions by:
Sharon Pinder, president/CEO, Capital Region Minority Supplier Development Council
Wes Moore, governor, Maryland
Corporate Chief Officers Unleashing the Untapped Impact of Minority Business on the US Economy
Join us for an inspiring journey into the realm of economic equity, featuring C-suite line of business leaders. Discover how these exemplary-suite leaders dismantle barriers and create an enabling environment for minority businesses to flourish. As we broaden the lenses of business diversity, they will guide us through the next frontiers of innovation, opportunities, and industries revealing where minority businesses can strategically shift to propel their businesses to new heights and lead to exponential growth.
Ed Gordon, Emmy Award-winning broadcaster, Ed Gordon Media
Kindle Goodson, vice president, chief operating and procurement officer, TIAA
Josetta Jones, chief diversity officer, Chevron
Margaret Smith, senior managing director and executive director of corporate services and sustainability and business operations, Accenture
NextNOW: Learn what comes next NOW!
The constellation of rapidly emerging domains such as AI, EV, and renewables offers fertile ground for unprecedented MBE opportunities. Prepare to absorb insights from the foremost authorities in these industries and learn how MBEs can leverage the opportunities they present to build successful, long-lasting businesses that will get us one step closer to achieving NMSDC’s $1 trillion annual revenue goal and closing the wealth gap.
Ed Gordon, Emmy Award-winning broadcaster, Ed Gordon Media
Jason Mudd, director, operations and transformation, IBM
Dr. Faye Gerard, senior federal government affairs director, BP
12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346EYE Program: Being an MBE Entrepreneur
For EYE Participants Only.
Sponsors are welcome to observe and meet the participants.
Mike Anguiano, founder, Supply Hive
2:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Halls E-GThe Exchange
Includes ribbon cutting ceremony to open the exhibition.2:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall D - NMSDC TheatrePower Talks
2:30 - 2:50 p.m.
Growth and Sustainability through MBE to MBE Collaboration
The National MBEIC chairs represent NMSDC-certified minority business enterprises (MBEs) at the local and national levels of the 23 affiliate councils. This session will be facilitated by the NMBEIC to focus on MBE-to-MBE spending, building trust, breaking down barriers, and building a network of MBEs that leverage corporate relationships to build long-term partnerships.
Pamela Nelson, founder, president, and CEO, Bracane
Brent Mohair, vice president critical inventory logistics, FedEx
Carla Preston, director, global corporate procurement SDI, Amazon
Robert Shibuya, CEO, Mohr Partners
Nina Vaca, CEO, Pinnacle Group
2:55 - 3:15 p.m.
Unity and Uniqueness: Closing the Gap Without Losing Who You Are
We all want to belong and be accepted but often that means learning to act the part. We adjust how we present ourselves, code-switching and masking so we align with the status quo because that's what we've been told to do if we want to build the relationships we need to be successful. We often feel trapped. Do we risk being our true selves when we are uncertain of how that will be received? As minority business enterprises (MBEs) and corporations committed to building diverse and equitable workplaces, we know that inclusion and belonging are keys to business success, yet how do we help individuals show up as they are when they are working so hard to just fit in?
This seminar will focus on how we close the relationship gap without losing who we are. Showing up comes at a cost, but so does conformity. By recognizing the inherent tension in healthy inclusion and belonging, this seminar will equip you with community-oriented tools to navigate the pressures of conformity to create space for unity and uniqueness to thrive.
Sunitha Chandy, licensed clinical psychologist and lead trainer, Artesian Collaborative
3.:20 - 3:40 p.m.
Closing the Gap in Black Agriculture
Join this esteemed group of panelists as they discuss creating a pathway for emerging and the next generation of Black farmers to achieve parity in the agriculture industry. Learn what Walmart, UNFI, Inc., and the National Black Growers Council are doing to assist U.S. Black farmers.
PJ Haynie, chairman, National Black Growers Council
Emily Johnson, account manager, produce, UNFI, Inc.
Marc Winston, senior manager II, supplier inclusion, Walmart
3.:45 - 4:05 p.m.
Unleash Access with MBDA: Doing Business with NASA
NASA Office of Small Business Programs promotes and integrates small businesses into the industrial base of contractors and subcontractors that support the future of space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research. This session describes how to connect with NASA’s Office of Small Business Programs, understand how to do business with NASA, and gain valuable insights into statical data to provide knowledge of NASA’s Small Business Programs.
Jennifer Perez, OSBP SBS, NASA
Angela Washington, senior business development specialist, MBDA
4.:10 - 4:30 p.m.
From Intent to Impact: Accelerating the Path to Equity for MBEs
Organizations face both risks and unseen opportunities for driving equitable impact through the way they operate. Korn Ferry's Equity Audit, an equity assessment tool, establishes a holistic baseline of risks and opportunities across the enterprise, including the supply chain. The equity assessment tool identifies and examines business levers to uncover and harness new opportunities for expanding equitable impact. In this session, using gamification and interactive dialogue, we will apply the Equity Audit model to supply chain and diverse supplier programs to assess an organization's intent, implementation, and impact concerning equitable outcomes.
Janeen Blige, principal, Korn Ferry
Thomas Williams, associate client partner, diversity, equity, and inclusion, Korn Ferry
4.:35 - 4:55 p.m.
The Power of Brand Strategy: Taking Your Brand to the Next Level
Brand strategy is crucial to position minority business enterprises (MBEs) for brand growth. The primary goal of brand strategy is to create the needed foundation for organizations to connect with customers and consumers. Developing the right building blocks such as brand architecture, visual representation, and messaging, can set up a brand for success. Whether it is product packaging, advertising/marketing campaigns, or digital engagement through social media, targeted ads, and websites brand strategy is the starting point to ensure that all elements associated with a brand are congruent and aligned to most effectively engage customers and consumers to become their brand of choice.
Elizabeth Caulder, president and chief strategist, Phoenix Lifestyl Marketing Group
5.:00 - 5:20 p.m.
Closing the Gap Through Parity
The U.S. population is a multicultural society representing various ethnicities and backgrounds. Similarly, NMSDC represents a multicultural ethnic business society. However, there exists a statistical disparity in the number of minority business enterprises (MBEs) to majority-owned businesses (MOBs). More importantly, a statistical disparity also exists between MBE and MOB revenues. According to the 2020 Census, 40.43% of the population identify as an ethnic minority. However, ethnic minorities only represent 10.55% of classified business revenue and 4.13% of total U.S. revenue. As the U.S. heads towards becoming a minority-majority country in 2043, MBEs must achieve business parity. To achieve this parity, we must first ask what the statistical difference is between the current and desired end states.
During this session, we will explore this statistical difference, what actions we can take to achieve the economic parity we seek, and the positive effects it will have on U.S. and global economic growth.
Fernando Martinez, senior vice president, network success, National Minority Supplier Development Council
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332Sponsors Happy Hour
Sponsors Only7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Barnes & NobleCharm City Social Networking Reception
6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332Sponsor Lounge
Sponsors Only6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Pratt Street Lobby East & WestConnect Lounge
Schedule time with other attendees to connect and meet up at the Connect Lounge.6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Third Floor CafeCommunity Service
Paul’s Place is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization improving the quality of life in Southwest Baltimore. Paul’s Place has been a steadfast source of support for residents of the Southwest Baltimore communities for over 40 years – starting as a two-day-a-week soup kitchen and becoming a one-stop destination with a wide array of resources for hundreds of individuals every day. Paul’s Place now offers more than 20 programs to help guests along a path to stability. Paul’s Place provides programs, services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering hope, personal dignity, and growth.
Participate by purchasing something from one of their three Amazon wish lists:
You can also bring the following suggested items to the conference to make an in-person donation: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tissues, lotion, and/or deodorant.
6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339-341Zen Room
Relax | Recharge | Regroup
6:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Charles Street Lobby and Pratt Street Lobby East & WestBaltimore Convention Center Registration Center
7:15 - 8:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall CNetworking Breakfast
8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Delivering for the American PeopleMany of the Nation’s government leaders, from the State and Federal levels, will highlight the historic initiatives and investments being delivered under their leadership, and most importantly, they will dive into how those investments are being made with the intention to ensure minority, small, and underserved businesses have the equitable opportunities to participate in these opportunities.
Welcome Remarks
Speaker(s):Donald R. Cravins, Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, MBDA
Ying McGuire, CEO and president, National Minority Supplier Development Council
State of MBDA Address
Speaker(s):Donald R. Cravins, Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, MBDA
Speaker(s):Reta Jo Lewis, president and chair of the board of directors, EXIM Bank
State of SBA Address
Speaker(s):Isabella Casillas Guzman, administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
MBDA On-the-Ground: A Discussion with MBDA Program Directors
MBDA Deputy Under Secretary Jessica Cavazos sits down with MBDA Program Directors to discuss how the Agency's Business Centers and Grant Programs are making an impact in the communities they serve. They will discuss best practices, challenges, and successes in providing technical assistance and business support services to their clients.
Jessica Cavazos, deputy under secretary, MBDA
Orestes Hubbard, operator, San Antonio MBDA Export Center
Donna Ennis, operator, Georgia MBDA Business Center
N. Scott Philips, project director, Baltimore MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center
State of DOT Address
Introductions by:
Ying McGuire, CEO and president, National Minority Supplier Development Council
Pete Buttigieg, U.S. secretary of transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation
Closing Remarks
Donald R. Cravins, Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, MBDA
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346EYE Program: Masterclass on Risk Management
For EYE Participants Only.
Sponsors are welcome to observe and meet the participants.
Natasha Nelson, senior director, enterprise compliance oversight, Centene
Latrice Simpson-Overton, Centene
10:00 - 11:50 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall D - NMSDC TheatrePower Talks
10:00 - 10:20 a.m.
How WEC Energy Group, SDI Presence, LLC, and Chicago City Colleges Provided Access to Jobs, Diverse Talent, and Suppliers, While Bringing Neighborhood Revitalization to Underserved Communities
Panelists will share how they partnered to offer access to diverse talent and a pool of diverse suppliers from underrepresented communities within Chicago to provide tech jobs, opportunities for increased spend with various smaller diverse-owned businesses that generate the local economy, and provide a strategic community impact solution. This gamified interactive panel discussion will demonstrate how to deploy solutions to accelerate community development and job creation, which is the driving force behind the local economic viability within communities and the ecosystem.
Hardik Bhatt, CEO, SDI Presence LLC
Danielle Bly, vice president, supplier diversity, WEC Energy Group
Adriene Bruce, director of diversity, SDI Presence LLC
Eric Lugo, senior advisor to the chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago
10:22 - 10:42 a.m.
Government Procurement for All: Closing the Access Gap for MBEs
Government procurement represents a significant avenue for business growth, as it provides opportunities for minority business enterprises (MBEs) to secure contracts, expand their operations, and contribute to economic development. However, MBEs often encounter a range of barriers that impede their participation. Similarly, government action plans usually include goals that seek the growth and development of MBEs, including the prioritization of those in the allocation of public contracts. Unfortunately, the existing gap between governments and MBEs presents significant challenges.
This session aims to shed light on the aforementioned scenario, raise awareness about the existing challenges, and present strategies for closing the access gap between governments and MBEs through the utilization of government marketplaces.
Gerardo Mateo, research and development lead, GLASS
10:44 - 11:04 a.m.
Leveraging AI to Eliminate Bias and Foster Inclusive Recruiting
How do we fight unconscious bias in the recruiting process? DEI, ESG, and HR policies can only go so far in preparing recruiters to make equitable candidate decisions. During this session, we share a proposal for the implementation of new artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can significantly reduce the impact of conscious and unconscious bias in the hiring cycle.
Guided by comprehensive policies and procedures, AI technology has the potential to transform the hiring process from an error-prone and biased minefield into a well-oiled machine that lays a foundation of fairness. By implementing this technology, organizations can make significant strides in closing the racial gap in business and fostering a more inclusive and equitable workforce.
Andrew Killingsworth, sales and marketing manager, BEPC, Incorporated
Alma McLeroy, director of human resources and compliance, BEPC, Incorporated
11:06 - 11:26 a.m.
Leveraging the Power of Storytelling, Data, and Language to Bridge the Gap in Business and Community
We all know that true equity requires a shared understanding of the challenges and issues faced by marginalized groups. As companies navigate, define, and take action to understand and move the needle on their DEI, supplier diversity, and sustainability programs, there is a recognition of the socioeconomic impact on employees, small businesses, and communities. Powerful tools in achieving this understanding are data, language, and storytelling to build trust, promote inclusivity and transparency, and provide a factual basis for decision-making to bridge the equity gap between organizations and their communities.
In this panel discussion, we will explore why data, language, and storytelling are essential and offer 10 key action steps that corporations and small businesses can take to bridge the equity gap.
Florence Amate, founder and president, Laisar Management Group, LLC
Kelly Leonard, director, client experience, Be Equitable
Lynne Stein Benzion, economic development director, Montgomery County, Maryland
11:28 - 11:48 a.m.
How to Achieve Your Supplier Diversity Spend Goals by Working with A Minority-Owned Insurance Company
On January 20, 2023, Atlanta Life Insurance Company was acquired by Earvin “Magic” Johnson and a group of nationally recognized African-American entrepreneurs and executives. The new ownership group is committed to continuing Mr. Herndon’s mission and building on Atlanta Life’s century of service. Today, Atlanta Life Insurance Company serves as an employee benefits provider to private and public sector employers, a risk-transfer / risk-sharing partner to insurance carriers, a solution for achieving Supplier Diversity and DEI goals, and a partner to the community.
Trish Payne, vice president, business development, Atlanta Life Insurance Company
Ryan Smith, executive vice president, Atlanta Life Insurance Company
Kam Harris, FSA, MAAA, vice president of actuarial and risk, Atlanta Life Insurance Company
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Halls E-GThe Exchange
10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 316C-Suite Advisory Committee Meeting
By Invitation Only10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - VIP Suite (Level 100)Equity in Contracting for Minority Businesses through the Invest in America Plan: A Convener of U.S. Mayors
By Invitation Only
Hosted by Build Up Local
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 301-302Commercial Real Estate Industry Group: Understanding Commercial Real Estate
By Invitation Only11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 316C-Suite Advisory Committee Lunch & Learn
By Invitation Only12:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall CNetworking Lunch
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Equity in Action: Celebrating 40 Years of Minority Enterprise Development Week
Biden-Harris Administration Fireside Chat
2:15 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Halls E-GThe Exchange
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall D - NMSDC TheatrePower Talks
2:30 - 2:50 p.m.
Translation vs. Transcreation: How to Speak to the Hispanic Audience in the Language They Understand
The session aims to educate attendees on effective strategies to engage with the Hispanic community and promote cultural understanding. It will emphasize the importance of accurate translation and transcreation when communicating with the Hispanic audience. While translation focuses on converting text from one language to another, transcreation goes beyond literal translation to adapt the content culturally, considering idioms, cultural references, and sensitivities. Participants will learn how to navigate these complexities to convey messages that resonate with a Hispanic audience effectively. The session will also highlight the significance of corporate businesses hiring Hispanic-owned businesses to assist in targeting their messaging toward Hispanic audiences.
The workshop will empower corporate businesses to embrace diversity, leverage cultural insights, and build stronger connections with Hispanic communities, ultimately driving business growth and fostering inclusivity in the marketing industry.
Juan Osorio, CEO, Alpha Company Marketing and Media LLC
2:55 - 3:35 p.m.
The New NMSDC Database: Transforming Access and Expanding Opportunities
Come learn about the exciting new features of the NMSDC database including the new search updates available within the database and tips for updating your business profile to improve searchability.
Sunil Nair, CEO, iDatalytics
3:45 - 4:05 p.m.
Reach the Hearts of Your Audience: Master Public Speaking
Do you dream of captivating your audience with your powerful message, inspiring positive change, and leaving a lasting impact? Are you ready to overcome your fear of public speaking and become a confident, engaging, and masterful speaker?
This workshop is one part of a comprehensive three-part series designed to take you from anxious public speaker to transformational leader, captivating storyteller, and Master Legacy Speaker.
Jasmin Haley, CEO, Legacy Scaler
4:10 - 4:30 p.m.
Revolutionize Your Revenue: Profit without the Daily Grind
Step into the world of endless possibilities and join us for an exhilarating session designed to completely transform how you perceive business growth and corporate or government sales. This session will provide the ultimate blueprint for skyrocketing your business revenues while avoiding the relentless grind and escaping the confines of social media. It will lead you through a fail-proof process of closing high-value corporate and B2B deals, to enable your business to ascend to unparalleled heights of success.
Bethanie Nonami, CEO, Marley Nonami Incorporated
2:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 327-329C-Suite Summit
By Invitation Only2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Ballroom 3-4Matchmakers
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 322-323NMSDC 50th Anniversary Steering Committee Meeting
By Invitation Only5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Baltimore World Trade CenterMBDA’s Celebrating 40 Years of National MED Week Reception
Open to All
Must RSVP at this Link: https://cvent.me/QdYwBv
5:15 - 6:45 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 321-323Meet the Founders Mixer
By Invitation OnlyFree Evening
Inner HarborExplore Baltimore
Support Local Diverse Businesses using Diverse Yellow Pages:
What to Do?
6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 339-341Zen Room
Relax | Recharge | Regroup
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Third Floor CafeCommunity Service
Paul’s Place is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization improving the quality of life in Southwest Baltimore. Paul’s Place has been a steadfast source of support for residents of the Southwest Baltimore communities for over 40 years – starting as a two-day-a-week soup kitchen and becoming a one-stop destination with a wide array of resources for hundreds of individuals every day. Paul’s Place now offers more than 20 programs to help guests along a path to stability. Paul’s Place provides programs, services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering hope, personal dignity, and growth.
Participate by purchasing something from one of their three Amazon wish lists:
You can also bring the following suggested items to the conference to make an in-person donation: shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, tissues, lotion, and/or deodorant.
6:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Pratt Street Lobby East & WestConnect Lounge
Schedule time with other attendees to connect and meet up at the Connect Lounge.6:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 331-332Sponsor Lounge
Sponsors Only
6:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Charles Street Lobby and Pratt Street Lobby East & WestBaltimore Convention Center Registration Center
7:15 - 8:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A/BNetworking Breakfast
8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Opening Remarks
Donald R. Cravins, Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, MBDA
Ying McGuire, CEO and president, National Minority Supplier Development Council
Pay It Forward to Close the Equity Gap
Esteemed leaders will share their journey to close the equity gap and the importance of reaching back into communities of color for economic impact.
Ivy McGregor, executive director, BeyGOOD Foundation
Arian Simone, CEO, Fearless Fund
Funding the Equity Gap: Taking Bold Action to Invest in and Scale MBEs
Ariel Alternatives is the private equity subsidiary of Ariel Investments, LLC, the first Black-owned investment manager in the United States. Through its first strategic initiative, Project Black, LP, Ariel seeks to help close the wealth gap in this country by building scalable, sustainable minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs) to serve as leading suppliers to Fortune 500 companies. With $1.45 billion in commitments from Project Black’s limited partners and co-investors, it plans to pursue 6-10 middle-market platform companies with $100 million to $1 billion in revenue.
Tarrus Richardson, founder and CEO, IMB Partners
Les Brun, founder, chairman, and CEO, Ariel Alternatives, LLC
Wayne Hamilton, vice president, specialty tax, Walmart Stores Inc.
Leadership and Legacy: A Fireside Chat with Loida Lewis
Michelle Miller, national correspondent, CBS News, co-host, CBS Saturday Morning
Leslie Lewis, founder and CEO, Multigenerational.Black, Inc
Loida Lewis, author and chair and CEO, TLC Beatrice, LLC
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346EYE Program: Panel of EYE Alumni
For EYE Participants Only.
Sponsors are welcome to observe and meet the participants.
Roy Broderick, founder & CEO, Authentique Agency
Srikanth Kodeboyina, founder, Blue Eye Soft Corp / Blue Space
Phoebe Lee, CEO, Acumen Industry
Durecia Moore, managing partner and CMO, ABCD & Company
Allante Taylor, CEO, A Taylor Media
10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention CenterImpact Labs
Empowering Suppliers by Providing Affordable Financing to Fulfill Contracts and Purchase Orders
The top barriers facing MBEs from succeeding as corporate suppliers are financial, including bonding, timely payment, access to capital, and insurance requirements. One financial barrier that has been overlooked is the need for affordable financing to cover the costs for a supplier to mobilize to fulfill a contract or purchase order. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) have begun to address this financing gap by offering loans with annual percentage rates (APRs) of 10% or less in amounts of $5,000 to $750,000 by leveraging low-cost capital and grants from corporations, private foundations, and government agencies.
However, only three of these CDFIs are national or multi-state and not limited to a particular business sector or buyer. By contrast, disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) doing business with federal, state, and local agencies are supported by a robust ecosystem of nonprofit and public entities that provide affordable financing and a range of support services. This session will bring together reps from these CDFIs, their funders, and engaged buyers to explore strategies for scaling up corporate contract/purchase order financing for diverse suppliers.
Matthew Shapiro, vice president, director of resource development, TruFund
Ted Archer, executive director, head of business partner diversity, JPMorgan Chase
Mark Brazier, vice president, managing director - contract financing, TruFund
Yi Wei, vice president of capital initiatives and partnerships, Capital Impact Partners
Byron Whitmore, principal, supplier opportunity fund, Macy's
MBE Success Story
Certified MBEs share their journeys of growth and success while leveraging the NMSDC ecosystem.
Anju Abel, president and CEO, Lancesoft
Tony Jackson, president, Panther Solutions
Durecia Moorer, managing partner and chief marketing officer, ABCD & Company
Leveraging Data to Increase Diverse Supplier Access & Outcomes
Large corporations are well-intentioned - though often under-resourced – to provide the level of support many diverse suppliers require for success. MSPs are often perfectly positioned to fill this relationship gap. They can provide visibility on all sides while acting as an extension of the buyer's organization and as a mentor to and vocal advocate for diverse suppliers. This ensures that valuable opportunities and successful outcomes are realized up and down the value chain.
Nina Vaca, chairman & CEO, Pinnacle Group
Marc Hall, global operations lead, xWS, Google
Ajamu Johnson, vice president, Comcast NBCUniversal
Electric Vehicle Evolution
A facilitated conversation with leaders in the automotive industry who have a direct line of sight into the trajectory of electric vehicles from concept to customer.
Bruno Olvera, head of North America diversity supplier development, Stellantis
Ben Hodge, senior manager supply management - responsible sourcing & business inclusion, Harley Davidson
Travis Spencer, senior manager, supplier diversity and warranty recovery, Ford Motor Company
Preparing for the Conversation: Making Sure You are Prepared to Meet with Your Banker!
According to a recent Capital One Insight Center study, Black and Hispanic business owners may find it more difficult to get access to the funding that they need. In the study, Black and Hispanic business owners who received growth funding averaged only half the amount of funds received by non-Black and Hispanic businesses. Hear from Capital One bankers about how you can be better prepared to unlock that capital in the marketplace.
Andrew Carlson, senior vice president, director - business banking, Capital One
Julie Rakes, senior manager, supplier diversity, Capital One
Kevin Williams, CEO, TekConnX, LLC
From Identity to Impact: Strategies for MBE Growth
Many minority business enterprises (MBEs) are looking for the right ways to scale their businesses, and often lack the knowledge or skills to make it happen. This panel discussion will outline the foundational skills to clearly define who you are, what you do, and why you do it, and will enable you to find the right strategic partners and mentors to help you on your way to growth.
Mario Lambert, vice president of sales, Populus Group
Jennifer Pasquier, senior marketing manager, Populus Group
Karen Philbrick, vice president of human resources, Populus Group
Taniesha Thomas, head of diversity, equity and inclusion, Populus Group
How to Use AI To Market Your Business in 2023 and Beyond!
In today's hyper-competitive market, every interaction counts. You need every edge you can get to create conversations, win deals, and close more business. That's where AI tools such as ChatGPT can help you to stay ahead of the competition. With its powerful AI natural language-generating capabilities, ChatGPT enables you to launch better sales and marketing interactions that build rapport, and trust, and, ultimately, drive sales.
Patrick Alexander, founder and CEO, Balambico
Closing the Knowledge Gap in the Largest Infrastructure Investment in US History: A Practical Guide to Navigating the Ecosystem
The transition to clean energy and the green economy presents significant opportunities for minority business enterprises (MBEs) to thrive. To capitalize on emerging markets, MBEs must possess the necessary knowledge and skills. This session aims to address the knowledge gap by providing practical advice and training for MBEs with a combination of experts from the public and private sectors.
Fritz Auguste, acting budget officer of state and community energy programs, U.S. Department of Energy
Phil Croskey, CEO and co-founder, MD Energy Advisors
Tim Dickison, program supervisor, energy efficiency, Ameren Illinois
Paul Douglas, president & co-founder, JPI Group
Quinn Parker, founder and CEO, Encolor Consulting
Jen Szaro, president and CEO, Association of Energy Services Professionals
The Game Changer On LinkedIn: Infusing Storytelling to Maximize Your Content AND Business Growth
LinkedIn has 900 million users globally. And it's no longer enough simply to have a presence on the platform. If you're not branding yourself and weaving dynamic storytelling into your content, you're likely missing out on networking and strategic business opportunities that can help you reach your big goals.
In this powerful session, Emmy award-winning journalist and dynamic speaker Bofta Yimam will reveal the key must-have elements on your LinkedIn profile, the power behind story-focused content, and how to create it effectively and efficiently.
Bofta Yimam, founder, StoryLede
Bridging the Wealth Gap: Pathways Towards Racial Economic Equity
U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC) in partnership with NMSDC is proud to present a panel discussion that goes to the heart of racial wealth disparities in America - "Bridging the Wealth Gap: Pathways Towards Racial Economic Equity." This session brings together prominent leaders from various sectors to discuss the systemic barriers and potential solutions to racial wealth inequality.
Ron Busby, CEO and president, U.S. Black Chambers, Inc.
Diedra Henry-Spires, senior advisor for COVID programs to the Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
Never Bark Alone: The Power of Relational and Social Intelligence, the Science of Connection, and NLP in Bridging Relationship Gaps in Business
During this session we will unravel the fundamental roles of Relational Intelligence (RI), Social Intelligence (SI), and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in overcoming relationship gaps within minority business enterprises (MBEs). The session will emphasize the importance of these aspects in fostering productive relationships, enhancing communication, and achieving overall business success.
Dr. Cherry Collier, chief engagement officer and head coach, Personality Matters, Inc.
Boost your Business! Leverage your Network to Expand your Customer Mix
In this session, we will explore the power of networking and how it can help you expand your customer mix. We will dive into strategies and techniques for building meaningful relationships with individuals, corporations, government entities, and channel partners. Through interactive audience participation and real-life examples you will gain valuable insights and actionable tips to maximize your network's potential and grow your customer base effectively.
Jackie Taylor, alliance leader for the government and public sector practice, EY
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BBusiness Diversity and Financial Services – What Gets Measured Gets Managed!
The National Minority Supplier Diversity Council has championed the importance of inclusion and meaningful business partnerships for more than fifty years. As the global economy continues to evolve and grow, so do the needs and services of corporations as well. As the concept of Business Diversity gains more traction, so does the importance of partnerships between Fortune 500 Companies and minority and women-owned financial service firms. Learn from C-Suite level decision makers on not only how they were able to bring Business Diversity to Finance and Treasury functions of their respective institutions but gain tremendous value from these partnerships as well.
Malik Murray, senior vice president, head of business development, Ariel Investments
Marjorie Rodgers Cheshire, principal, A&R Development
Megan Thompson, mission investments officer, Ford Foundation
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Ballroom 3-4Matchmakers
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 347Business Consortium Fund Board Meeting
By Invitation Only10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Hilton - Jonshon BRegional Affiliate Presidents Meeting
By Invitation Only10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Room 345-346Emerging Young Entrepreneurs Pitch Competition
Open to Conference Attendees
Brooke Foley, CEO, Jayne Agency, LLC
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Baltimore Convention CenterImpact Labs
Strengthening Health Equity: Leveraging Local Partnerships for Community-Driven Healthcare Transformation
The supply chain is one often overlooked avenue through which organizations can improve health equity, boost the economic impact and empowerment of the local community and initiate change management that can transform a health system's organizational structure. Diversifying the supply chain not only builds supply resilience for organizations, but also acts as a catalyst, often pulling together disparate areas of the health system that did not previously collaborate on diversity, equity, or inclusion initiatives. When a supply chain DEI strategy is implemented and connected to the local community, a multiplier effect occurs where both health systems and neighbors win.
This session explores the benefits and considerations that must be considered when implementing such a strategy in the healthcare industry.
Heather Blonsky, lead data scientist, center for advanced analytics and informatics, Vizient
Shaleta Dunn, vice president, supplier diversity and social investment impact, Vizient
Transforming Access: Empowering MBEs through Artificial Intelligence
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, minority business enterprises (MBEs) face access barriers to technology that can accelerate their growth and scalability. This presentation aims to empower MBEs by introducing innovative strategies and tools, including generative AI, that can transform access to opportunities without requiring in-depth technical knowledge.
Kyle Samuels, founder and CEO, Creative Talent Endeavors
Bridging the Gap - Creating a Transformative Pipeline for MBEs Success in Agriculture
Past and current policies combined with discriminatory practices within the agriculture and food industry have prohibited the success of minority business enterprises (MBEs) and have created equity gaps within the sectors that have yet to be reversed.
In this panel, speakers will discuss the past causes of these equity gaps among MBEs and black farming operations including the barriers to market entry experienced by them. In addition, they will identify innovative solutions to close these gaps and drive impactful change for those affected.
Maggie Jo Hansen, associate director, commodity purchasing, Tyson Foods
Jasmine Hendrix. director of programs and food scientist, Freedman Heirs Foundation
Dr. Michael Lloyd, CEO and chief scientific officer, Amelioron Corporation
P. Wade Ross, CEO, Texas Small Farmers & Ranchers Community Based Organization
Eboni Woodruff, director, Agricultural Law Institute for Underserved and Underrepresented Communities at Southern University Law Center
Advancing Racial Equity in America's New Industrial Transformation
This session will address the representation and revenue of Black- and Hispanic-owned manufacturers in the major supply chains that are the targets of the new industrial policy legislation. Based on research that the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City is conducting as part of a partnership with NMSDC, it will show the extent to which Black- and Hispanic-owned companies are underrepresented in those supply chains and identify revenue gaps between those companies and their white-owned counterparts.
It will also recommend policies and strategies to remedy these representation and revenue gaps that are currently preventing Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs from realizing their full potential to benefit from America's new industrial transformation.
Howard Wial, senior vice president and director of research, ICIC
Unlocking International Growth: Exploring Business Expansion Opportunities
Expanding your company footprint from being U.S.-based to an international organization may seem daunting, but there is a benefit to pursuing this expansion. Many corporations have a global footprint and need suppliers that can perform outside of the U.S.
In this session, you will hear from a panel of leaders including supplier diversity professionals, procurement leaders, minority business enterprises (MBEs) that have made the transition from being U.S.-based into an international or global entity, and leaders from prominent global supplier diversity organizations.
Richard Drew, senior director, procurement – core tech & GP&T, GSK
Erin Timmerman, director, global supplier diversity, GSK
Mayank Shah, founder & CEO, MSDUK
Brian Sharpless, director, diversity business development, WWT
Cara Zibbell, vice president, people and engagement, Atrium
Strategic Sales Mastery
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, sales excellence is no longer just about closing deals. It's about cultivating meaningful relationships, leveraging innovation, and strategically positioning yourself in the marketplace. Drawing from real-world experiences and extensive research, this session will unveil a groundbreaking approach to sales that merges traditional wisdom and the science of psychology, with modern communication strategies.
Hilmon Sorey, co-founder, ClozeLoop
David Tyson, CEO/president, Sales Trac, Inc.
IT WAS ALL A DREAM: Scaling Your Business with the Most Powerful Culture on Earth
No other cultural phenomenon has managed to captivate such a vast demographic as hip-hop has. Its influence extends from children to teenagers and spans across young and older adults, finding a special place in the hearts of countless individuals. Harnessing this immense appeal, hip-hop has become one of the most effective means of connecting with specific target markets but are BIPOC founders misusing one of their biggest assets? Throughout this panel, we will gain invaluable insights from successful entrepreneurs who have utilized the dynamic culture of hip-hop to propel their businesses to unprecedented heights and far beyond.
J.E. Gamble
Ant Marshall, founder, Lyricist Lounge
Kaylan Martin, founder and CEO, Blue Umbrella Strategies
Amplifying Success: Unlocking Opportunities for MBEs and Corporations through Strategic Initiatives
In this session, LISC and Abbott will share insights on how the Abbott & LISC Initiative can effectively address the equity gap for minority-owned businesses, fostering their growth, expansion, and contracting opportunities. This approach not only connects minority-owned businesses to vital resources but also facilitates partnerships between capable minority-owned businesses and corporations like Abbott.
Monica Armstrong Billinger, director of global supplier diversity, Abbott
Steve Hall, vice president economic development lending, LISC
Kristin Harper, president and CEO, Driven to Succeed
Akilah Hicks, senior program officer, LISC
Karim Mohammad, CEO, Tranquil Clinical Research
Artura Taylor, CEO, TDG Scientific
Investing in America’s Communities - Making Sure MBE’s Don’t Get Left Out
The Biden-Harris Administration is investing in America’s communities like never before, from delivering historic infrastructure investments, to making high-speed internet accessible for every American, to revitalizing the nation’s domestic manufacturing, and more. Through the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and other historic investments there are ample opportunities for America’s minority, small, and underserved businesses to participate in building up our nation. This session will dive into these generational investments and how they are reaching communities that need it the most.
Stephen Benjamin, senior advisor and director of the office of public engagement, White House
Donald R. Cravins Jr., under secretary of commerce for minority business development, Minority Business Development Agency
Marc Morial, president, National Urban Leauge
Clink & Connect: Corporate Plus Welcome Reception
Invite Only Event.
Corporate Plus welcomes our new corporate members, new Billion Dollar Roundtable (BDR) members, and its newest 2023 Corporate Plus members with a champagne toast. Corporations will enjoy bubbly conversations with Corporate Plus members and learn how they “Lead the Way and Light the Way for Others.”
Open to NMSDC Corporate Plus members, new corporate members, and new BDR members but registration is required.
Lorena Valencia, director of Corporate Plus, National Minority Supplier Development Council
Business Diversity: Getting Beyond Supplier Diversity
Join corporate diversity leaders as they discuss their role in shaping company-wide diversity and inclusion strategies. Each company will share examples of how they have broadened the diversity conversation across the enterprise.
Tish Archie-Oliver, head of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, Unilever
Juanita Logan, vice president, global corporate development, WWT
Michael Thomas, director, supplier management & business diversity programs, Discover
MBE Engagement ROI
12:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall CNetworking Lunch
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
Baltimore Convention Center - Hall A & BMainstage Sessions
Insights from Corporate Chief Procurement Officers
Corporate CPOs will share their vision for expanding supplier diversity, driving business inclusivity, and shaping procurement's future.
Kala Gibson, chief enterprise corporate responsibility officer, Fifth Third
Barbara Kubicki, chief procurement officer, Wells Fargo
Sally Macaluso, chief procurement officer, indirect services procurement, Johnson & Johnson
Susanna Webber, chief procurement officer, Merck
The Impact of Legal Challenges to DEI in an Era of Polarization
In today's polarized climate, legal challenges to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are increasingly prevalent and influential. Join us for an enlightening discussion as our panel engages in a constructive dialogue about the complex intersection of law, policy, and diversity. Discover how organizations and communities are navigating this landscape, and gain insights into strategies for advancing DEI goals while addressing legal hurdles.
April Ryan, reporter, author, and White House correspondent, The Grio
Alphonso David, CEO and president, Global Black Economic Forum
Cachavious English, managing counsel and policy strategist, Ford
ReNika Moore, director, racial justice program, ACLU
Anthony Robinson, president, Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.