OCT 22-25, 2023 BALTIMORE
Drive Traffic for Greater Engagement
Couple your sponsorship package or exhibit booth with advertising options that will help drive traffic to your booth and website for greater engagement.
We have the following advertising options available for the 2023 NMSDC Annual Conference & Exchange which can be purchased when you register:
Exhibitor Email Campaign Ad
NMSDC has third-party email opportunities to reach NMSDC conference attendees who have opted in to receive these communications.
This is your opportunity to provide content of your choice in a separate email that goes directly to our attendees (one-time send) between October 1-November 15. Drive traffic to your booth, highlight opportunities for engagement, provide follow-up literature, etc.
Reach: estimated 3,000-5,000 attendees
Ad Specifications
- Advertiser to provide HTML for NMSDC to load into HubSpot template
- Content due 2 weeks before send date
- Email subject
- Preview text (optional); 140 characters max
Submitting Your Email HTML
Please use the following submission form to submit your ad. All ads are due by September 15, 2023.
Digital Conference Program Advertising
Readers are encouraged to take action with just a click of a hyperlink included in your ad. The digital format also makes your ad searchable for keywords, specific products or services, and company information. This functionality allows for easy navigation based on specific reader interests.
Reach Readers Beyond Physical Boundaries
Showcase your business to NMSDC national and local corporate members, minority business enterprises, government agencies, and other organizations. The conference program will be distributed to the NMSDC national network (both attendees and non-attendees) prior to the conference to preview all of the conference happenings. This digital publication can easily be shared, helping your ad reach an even wider audience.
Digital Ad Specifications
The following sized ads are available for the Digital Conference Program:
- Two Page Spread: 15 1/8" x 10" (4537.5x3000 pixels)
- Full Page: 7 ½” x 10" (2250x3000 pixels)
- Half Page Horizontal 7½” x 4¾“ (2500x1425 pixels)
- Half Page Vertical 3½” x 10" (1050x3000 pixels)
Additionally, please keep these other items in mind while building your ads:
- For cropped size/bleed size, add 1/8" or 0.125" bleed.
- All ads should be submitted in CMYK format.
- A minimum image resolution of 300 DPI is required; NMSDC is not responsible for the quality of images at lower resolutions.
- Fonts should be fully embedded.
Submitting Your Digital Program Ad
Please use the following submission form to submit your ad. All ads are due by September 15, 2023.